Why I'm Your Best Option for Private SAT Instruction
My students raise their scores 10 to 20 times faster than with self-study alone, and several times faster than with major tutoring companies.
All of this is time they could be spending raising (or maintaining) their GPA and living their life!
Tutoring companies and other tutors don’t publish their average score increase rates--because they aren't very high! My students can expect to increase their SAT score by 10 (less self-study/high starting score) to 15 (more self-study/lower starting score) or more points per tutoring hour. If you put the work into it, together we will raise your score faster than you could any other way.
Most companies do not offer a specific score increase guarantee--I do!
All of my packages above 30 hours come with specific score guarantees (ask for details). Most tutoring companies only guarantee *that* your score will increase, but do not specify *by how much*. That is an empty guarantee: Of course your score will increase if you study! That they do not offer a specific prediction means that they: a) Are not confident in their service and b) Do not even know how effective their service is (or at least don't want to share that information). Moreover, the companies that do offer score guarantees often only allow you to use their much more difficult mock SAT tests as baseline, which make your gains on the real test seem larger than they really are. (See this Wall Street Journal article on score improvement inflation.)
Students routinely come to me after the big tutoring companies fail to deliver.
These companies are widely believed to be "the best". However, they are actually only the best known options, because of their large marketing budgets.
I provide more practice materials than any other test prep company, at no extra cost.
Many test prep companies use only the materials they've published, plus the official SAT guide. That may be enough if you're already within 100 points of a sub-2100 target score, but if you want a large score increase, or if you want to push into the mid or high 700's for each subject, you're going to need more than that. I provide multiple comprehensive, full-course strategy guides, plus THOUSANDS of extra practice questions. But more importantly, I teach you the strategies on how to solve them the quickest.
Most tutoring companies lack any substantial Verbal approach.
They often take a fatalistic approach of "You have to learn that on your own.", or provide materials that are poor imitations of SAT questions. I will teach you strategies to focus on what's important in the passage and question, and how to quickly recognize wrong answers. Don't leave points on the table with Verbal! It's 2/3 of your score!
Most companies offer subpar materials and questions, especially for Verbal.
They fail to replicate the spirit of real SAT questions, and consequently are nonideal materials for you to practice with as the test approaches. I offer you the best materials out there, which I've handpicked to form a complete approach to maximizing your score.
You can get the same results in 10 hours with me that you can from an entire 30 hour class from a major tutoring company, and for about same price! Get individualized instruction and move at your own pace, not the group pace. Group classes progress slowly, as the instructor has other students solve problems, which takes up your valuable time. Students are there to learn; They don't have an interest in or the qualifications for teaching. Plus there is a lot of down time that students are not working under guidance (during which time they are not moving at their fastest!).
I am a full-time expert instructor with an education background.
This is in stark contrast to the majority of private tutors, whether independent or working for a company, who are doing this part-time, on the side. I not only taught in a high school setting but was actually hired as an education consultant by Chicago Public Schools to design their curriculum. This puts me at a distinct advantage compared with almost all other instructors. I am a master of pedagogy and can explain the most complicated ideas in simplified ways accessible to everyone.
I am more highly incentivized to ensure your success. No principal-agent problem with me.
Tutors who work for companies are only making a small fraction of what you are paying for them. That's ridiculous! That means that if you are paying $250 per hour for their instruction (the going rate for the biggest providers), they are only getting $50-100 per hour, for example, so they will want to drag things out for as long as possible (principal-agent problem). That is money that could be going to higher quality instruction. Any private instructor who delivers results will be working independently and getting paid what they are worth rather than settling for significantly less. Additionally, my service is entirely results-oriented, and relies on personal recommendation. Part-time tutors at test-prep firms will get students' business no matter what, provided they meet some minimum level of satisfaction (that minimum set by consumers' not knowing they could be getting so much better!).
I have been self-employed full-time as a private tutor for a decade, and have almost 10,000 hours of teaching experience. That speaks to both my experience and demand. Most private tutors, especially if they work for a company, are only tutoring on the side and do not have the extensive background and skill that I have. In a recent job posting for a major company, the recruiter stated that the teacher would have "between 3 and 20 hours of instruction per week, depending on market demand". 20 hours of instruction is only for their most experienced and in-demand tutors, during peak time in the application season. Also, all tutors have to sign a noncompete, precluding any other SAT work, which means that even for the most advanced tutors, the upper bound is around 150 hours of instruction per year. The average tutor at a company will have significantly less experience. Not even half of that time is one-on-one tutoring, which you get with me.
My students succeed at the Ivies and get merit-based scholarships.
I prepare them not only for the SAT, but for life!
All of this is time they could be spending raising (or maintaining) their GPA and living their life!
Tutoring companies and other tutors don’t publish their average score increase rates--because they aren't very high! My students can expect to increase their SAT score by 10 (less self-study/high starting score) to 15 (more self-study/lower starting score) or more points per tutoring hour. If you put the work into it, together we will raise your score faster than you could any other way.
Most companies do not offer a specific score increase guarantee--I do!
All of my packages above 30 hours come with specific score guarantees (ask for details). Most tutoring companies only guarantee *that* your score will increase, but do not specify *by how much*. That is an empty guarantee: Of course your score will increase if you study! That they do not offer a specific prediction means that they: a) Are not confident in their service and b) Do not even know how effective their service is (or at least don't want to share that information). Moreover, the companies that do offer score guarantees often only allow you to use their much more difficult mock SAT tests as baseline, which make your gains on the real test seem larger than they really are. (See this Wall Street Journal article on score improvement inflation.)
Students routinely come to me after the big tutoring companies fail to deliver.
These companies are widely believed to be "the best". However, they are actually only the best known options, because of their large marketing budgets.
I provide more practice materials than any other test prep company, at no extra cost.
Many test prep companies use only the materials they've published, plus the official SAT guide. That may be enough if you're already within 100 points of a sub-2100 target score, but if you want a large score increase, or if you want to push into the mid or high 700's for each subject, you're going to need more than that. I provide multiple comprehensive, full-course strategy guides, plus THOUSANDS of extra practice questions. But more importantly, I teach you the strategies on how to solve them the quickest.
Most tutoring companies lack any substantial Verbal approach.
They often take a fatalistic approach of "You have to learn that on your own.", or provide materials that are poor imitations of SAT questions. I will teach you strategies to focus on what's important in the passage and question, and how to quickly recognize wrong answers. Don't leave points on the table with Verbal! It's 2/3 of your score!
Most companies offer subpar materials and questions, especially for Verbal.
They fail to replicate the spirit of real SAT questions, and consequently are nonideal materials for you to practice with as the test approaches. I offer you the best materials out there, which I've handpicked to form a complete approach to maximizing your score.
You can get the same results in 10 hours with me that you can from an entire 30 hour class from a major tutoring company, and for about same price! Get individualized instruction and move at your own pace, not the group pace. Group classes progress slowly, as the instructor has other students solve problems, which takes up your valuable time. Students are there to learn; They don't have an interest in or the qualifications for teaching. Plus there is a lot of down time that students are not working under guidance (during which time they are not moving at their fastest!).
I am a full-time expert instructor with an education background.
This is in stark contrast to the majority of private tutors, whether independent or working for a company, who are doing this part-time, on the side. I not only taught in a high school setting but was actually hired as an education consultant by Chicago Public Schools to design their curriculum. This puts me at a distinct advantage compared with almost all other instructors. I am a master of pedagogy and can explain the most complicated ideas in simplified ways accessible to everyone.
I am more highly incentivized to ensure your success. No principal-agent problem with me.
Tutors who work for companies are only making a small fraction of what you are paying for them. That's ridiculous! That means that if you are paying $250 per hour for their instruction (the going rate for the biggest providers), they are only getting $50-100 per hour, for example, so they will want to drag things out for as long as possible (principal-agent problem). That is money that could be going to higher quality instruction. Any private instructor who delivers results will be working independently and getting paid what they are worth rather than settling for significantly less. Additionally, my service is entirely results-oriented, and relies on personal recommendation. Part-time tutors at test-prep firms will get students' business no matter what, provided they meet some minimum level of satisfaction (that minimum set by consumers' not knowing they could be getting so much better!).
I have been self-employed full-time as a private tutor for a decade, and have almost 10,000 hours of teaching experience. That speaks to both my experience and demand. Most private tutors, especially if they work for a company, are only tutoring on the side and do not have the extensive background and skill that I have. In a recent job posting for a major company, the recruiter stated that the teacher would have "between 3 and 20 hours of instruction per week, depending on market demand". 20 hours of instruction is only for their most experienced and in-demand tutors, during peak time in the application season. Also, all tutors have to sign a noncompete, precluding any other SAT work, which means that even for the most advanced tutors, the upper bound is around 150 hours of instruction per year. The average tutor at a company will have significantly less experience. Not even half of that time is one-on-one tutoring, which you get with me.
My students succeed at the Ivies and get merit-based scholarships.
I prepare them not only for the SAT, but for life!