Built Around You
We curate a unique team of tutors just for you, based on your score data, budget, location, and personal preference.
Unlike other tutoring companies that are focused solely on profit, we are a results-oriented, data-driven company. We customize and adapt your curriculum around your specific exam and performance data.
Before each lesson, your tutor will prep the exact questions you have selected. We go in knowing exactly what to say, already rehearsed, saving you any down time while we figure it out. Other tutoring companies do not hold their tutors that high standard.
Each tutor specializes in the subject they teach. At other tutoring companies you'll get one tutor who may be weak in one area. We routinely turn down gmat tutor applicants who have worked at the big name tutoring companies because they do not meet our strict application requirements.
Unlike other tutoring companies that are focused solely on profit, we are a results-oriented, data-driven company. We customize and adapt your curriculum around your specific exam and performance data.
Before each lesson, your tutor will prep the exact questions you have selected. We go in knowing exactly what to say, already rehearsed, saving you any down time while we figure it out. Other tutoring companies do not hold their tutors that high standard.
Each tutor specializes in the subject they teach. At other tutoring companies you'll get one tutor who may be weak in one area. We routinely turn down gmat tutor applicants who have worked at the big name tutoring companies because they do not meet our strict application requirements.
Work With Multiple Specialized Tutors, No Weak Points
Unlike our competition, all of our tutors specialize in the subjects they teach. We require Quant scores of 50 or 51 (the maximum Quant score), or Verbal 99th percentile.
Our main competitors advertise that they require a 99th percentile score of their tutors. Do not be deceived by this claim: Even if a tutor scores 99th percentile overall, they could for example have a 53rd percentile in Data Sufficiency or Critical Reasoning!
This is because the 800 GMAT score has 5 components:
1. Problem Solving
2. Data Sufficiency
3. Sentence Correction
4. Reading Comprehension
5. Critical Reasoning
The overall percentile calculation allows for a 99th %ile despite weaknesses in one or more subject areas.
None of our tutors will have such weaknesses.
Tiered Tutoring
We pair you with tutors of multiple ability levels so that you get the optimal balance of more lessons at a lower cost and expert instruction. Other programs sub-optimally pair you with tutors at one skill level so that your program lacks either in quality or quantity.
The TPU Team
Josh, Founder, CEO. Lead curriculum designer.
Builds and supervises all Score Guarantee programs and shows our most loyal clients how to master any GMAT question type.
Jerry, GMAT Quant Instructor
GMAT Quant Score: 51/51
Cornell MS, Financial Engineering
Kevin GMAT Verbal Instructor
Verbal score 99.6%ile, CR51/51 SC 51/51
Harvard, History/Economics
Jae GMAT Quant and RC Instructor.
Quant Score: 50/51
RC score 51/51
Jacob, GMAT Quant Instructor
Duke MBA
GMAT Score: 770/800
Builds and supervises all Score Guarantee programs and shows our most loyal clients how to master any GMAT question type.
Jerry, GMAT Quant Instructor
GMAT Quant Score: 51/51
Cornell MS, Financial Engineering
Kevin GMAT Verbal Instructor
Verbal score 99.6%ile, CR51/51 SC 51/51
Harvard, History/Economics
Jae GMAT Quant and RC Instructor.
Quant Score: 50/51
RC score 51/51
Jacob, GMAT Quant Instructor
Duke MBA
GMAT Score: 770/800
The TPU Vision
We are the first and only score-driven GMAT tutoring service. All other services are profit-oriented rather than performance-oriented. By 2025, we intend to scale our Score Guarantee program to the point that it becomes the standard in test preparation for ALL standardized tests and test preparation tutoring companies. We will build new intelligence tests for our increasingly digitally connected world. We will also facilitate the educations of genius level talent with limited financial means.